Corine Brank
As a creative bunch, we can tend to be overly enthusiastic, hyper-focused, and lovers of caffeine. Corine counters our energetic flow by designing an office atmosphere that reflects our value on the creative and the creative process. Thanks to Corine, our office is both welcoming to clients and helps soften our edges. The cool artwork, hip lighting, coffee/cereal bar, and perfectly arranged plants—yeah, that’s all her.
From the beach-easy town of Georgetown, SC, Corine was brought into the film world by her husband, Chris. When Chris started his business, she helped out in every possible way. As the business grew, she continued supporting the team through edits, shooting, and anything else needed. Now she focuses on fostering the atmosphere and culture of Let People See, which is extremely important in the creative world.
Corine is a born creative who loves to sing and play the guitar and piano. Her ideal snack is chocolate, and she shows no shame in binge watching The Office, I Love Lucy, or Everybody Loves Raymond. She can listen to any kind of music all day, especially if Rocket Summer or Joseph is playing.